The following is an unedited, stream-of-consciousness personal journal used to experiment with different subjects outside of assignments and to practice free-writing. It shouldn't (at all) be viewed as a portfolio of polished work.
Besides that, we had our FIRST snow!! August 31 or Sept.1, depending on where you were in the state, or when you woke up ;). It appears to have snowed at night in the Uintas on the 31st, according to Snotel data (gov. stuff), but the sensors seemed a bit wacky, so I'm not sure. But I AM sure about it snowing up in the Cottonwoods on Sept.1 as I was actually up there experiencing it. Yessir. I went right up to the Cottonwoods (after stopping at Patagonia's Labor Day sale, of course) and made my first snowball of the season. I missed twice.
I ate a little snow, too.
Here's some pictures from that event:
Also, I made another little person's hat for a friend that is expecting a baby:
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