The following is an unedited, stream-of-consciousness personal journal used to experiment with different subjects outside of assignments and to practice free-writing. It shouldn't (at all) be viewed as a portfolio of polished work.
These are all miniatures. The first are petits-fours with a layer of raspberry buttercream icing in the middle and covered in lemon royal icing. The second set of pictures is of a saucer-sized two-tiered cake. The bottom tier has three layers of lemon cake with raspberry buttercream and the top tier has two layers of the same. The outside frosting is buttercream (done smooth, though). The last set of pictures is of a cake of the same size and type, but covered in a layer of buttercream and then covered in fondant. All the icings and cakes are from scratch- making even the fondant pretty dang delicious. =) What a difference homemade makes! All natural ingredients, too- no trans-fats or anything.
Enjoy! =)
These are teacup-saucer sized cakes (see, they're sitting on saucers!):
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