The following is an unedited, stream-of-consciousness personal journal used to experiment with different subjects outside of assignments and to practice free-writing. It shouldn't (at all) be viewed as a portfolio of polished work.

To see examples of my professional writing, please visit For photography, please visit or my Instagram channel @ginabegin.

If You've Got Ears, Listen.

And listen loud. Surround yourself with this; turn it up so the bass hits and that banjo duels. This is Mumford & Sons. I was introduced to these guys tonight by a friend who has been on a quest to provide me with a soundtrack for my bike rides. He hit the jackpot with this one. When they break into it, my foot tapping can not be constrained. Neither can my smile. If they came to the states again, I would go as far as my car could take me for a single song live. I'd give up half my belongings if it were this particular one. It's just that incredible. Cinematography, instrumentals, vocals,

Here's the catch. They're from the UK, so their version of expletives doesn't correspond with ours and dropping this choice one is like a drop in the bucket where they're from. My mom wouldn't approve of this language (sorry, Mom). However, the other version is only available on Facebook who hasn't learned how to share and play nice, so sensitive ears, please check out this version instead. Those of you who want to watch it here, be warned: 1:05, 2:01, 2:14, 3:37, 3:51.


  1. Gina...those boys are so handsome.I think sexy is more the term I should use. The keyboard player especially... boys in the band is one of the reasons I quit rock and roll... too much.

  2. I really like that. Thanks for sharing it.

  3. Dude! Remember that night we caught the last 9 seconds of the Fictionist show in Provo/Orem and I bought a CD since we drove all the way for nothing and I may as well do something? Did you know it was a Mumford and Sons CD??? I should have played it for you on the way home and I could have been the one to introduce you to them. Lame on my part. If you like them, you'll love The Avett Brothers even more. Seriously. I'm going to their concert in a few weeks. Check them out.


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