The following is an unedited, stream-of-consciousness personal journal used to experiment with different subjects outside of assignments and to practice free-writing. It shouldn't (at all) be viewed as a portfolio of polished work.

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Good Friday & Earth Day

Early Settlement Remains in Virginia Farm Field

"If only people cared for the planet as much as they care about who created it.
- Jason Hong

This is the first message I saw as I checked Facebook this morning. It inspired some thoughts... some might think it a bit heretical to say we should value anything equally as God but think a little deeper. If you are a believer in God, should you not treasure something He created pretty darn highly? If it is indeed His work, shouldn't it be respected- perhaps even revered?

Jason's statement was made even more poignant as I contemplated how Good Friday and Earth Day came together this year.  I am somewhat of an environmentalist. I am also a Christian. I don't believe these two things are mutually exclusive. In fact, I wrote a personal wilderness ethic that explains my outlook on how these things come together in complete harmony.

What do these statements mean to you? What's your take on the environment and God? 


  1. Still like your opinion, Haley. =) I'd say I'm more spiritual than religious. And some who are closest to me aren't either of those things. I still value opinions. ;)

  2. I was having this conversation with some friends a few days back. Wouldn't you love all of gods creations in the same manner? This is coming from someone who does not believe in christianity, so I may be missing something. But if more people in this amazing state of utah follow this way of thinking, we would live in a much cleaner state.


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