The following is an unedited, stream-of-consciousness personal journal used to experiment with different subjects outside of assignments and to practice free-writing. It shouldn't (at all) be viewed as a portfolio of polished work.

To see examples of my professional writing, please visit For photography, please visit or my Instagram channel @ginabegin.


Friends- I am sorry about slacking on the blog front. Big things can sometimes mean big sacrifices and it has been hard to realize that I have had to take so much time away from writing and keeping in touch with you all here. Please know it is only temporary while I pursue something big. It won't be much longer.

In fact, you can see part of it here.

In the meantime, sometimes it's fun to look back, so let's have some interaction here. In the comments, leave a link to the very first blog post you ever wrote. =)


  1. Okay, that project sounds super huge AND exciting! You go, girl!

    My very first post on my very first blog:

    My very first post on my "new" blog (switched over in 2010):

    1. Fun to look back at this, too! I hope things are going well with you, Miss Emily. You are an amazing woman!


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