The following is an unedited, stream-of-consciousness personal journal used to experiment with different subjects outside of assignments and to practice free-writing. It shouldn't (at all) be viewed as a portfolio of polished work.

To see examples of my professional writing, please visit For photography, please visit or my Instagram channel @ginabegin.



I have only three minutes before Starbucks closes and I lose wifi access... so I wanted to give a quick thought while I can and before I disappear again into the the wilds of another climbing area.

This trip has taught me so far that people are good. It's taught me to be less fearful of strangers. It's taught me that people want to find a connection with each other. It's taught me that people want to help each other.

I know this because I've met many strangers on this trip. They have fed me. They've given me places to stay. They've come up to start conversations. They have lent a hand when I am stumped with a climb.

I know we are taught never to talk to strangers. That might be good when we're in grade school. Now that you're grown up, give strangers a chance. You might learn some good things about them, too. 

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