The following is an unedited, stream-of-consciousness personal journal used to experiment with different subjects outside of assignments and to practice free-writing. It shouldn't (at all) be viewed as a portfolio of polished work.

To see examples of my professional writing, please visit For photography, please visit or my Instagram channel @ginabegin.

Cinematography and Skiing: Sweetgrass Premiere

One of the most beautifully composed ski films I have had the opportunity to lay eyes on. If you love beautiful photography, gorgeous landscapes, skiing, travel or any combination of the above, this film will be worth your while.

SOLITAIRE: A Backcountry Skiing, Snowboarding, and Telemark Film from Sweetgrass Productions on Vimeo.


  1. so is it playing at Regal?

  2. I like the infusion of the Native American voice and message bringing to the forefront the intensity of the drive behind those who are driven mentally, emotionally and physically to attempt so many challenges. The music and scenic beauty are incredible and camouflage the necessary survival instincts of the participants. Unfortunately, the original message that I wrote, which had more response to the impact of the film was lost, so this message doesn't contain the same measure of appreciation that the original one held just after the influence of the movie.

  3. mighty fine work! thx for sharing.

  4. Yay, going to see this tomorrow night, excited!

  5. Soo, I saw it last night. I thought the photography was beautiful but the film was kind of slow. I should probably blame it on going to see The Art of Flight two days before.

  6. I haven't seen either because of The Most Epic Trip. What did you think of The Art of Flight, Whitney?

  7. It was pretty awesome! I wrote a little review of it actually:
    Love love love the cinematography!!


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