The following is an unedited, stream-of-consciousness personal journal used to experiment with different subjects outside of assignments and to practice free-writing. It shouldn't (at all) be viewed as a portfolio of polished work.

To see examples of my professional writing, please visit For photography, please visit or my Instagram channel @ginabegin.

Hey Baby, I Think You Wanna Watch This

It's not often that I post things that are not outdoorsy. When I do, it's because some human has done something incredible. A personal serenade from a flash mob consisting of loved ones far and wide falls into this category.

My mom called me in from outdoors as I was enjoying a breakfast smoothie and some Instagram goodness on my phone. Noticing she had a video from Facebook pulled up, I was prepared to make some excuse to leave. Surely, this would be just another sappy still photo montage someone had pieced together of cats being inspirational or something ridiculous. I balanced impatiently on one foot, holding onto my melting ViSalus smoothie and eyeing the door to make my escape.

Man, was I wrong.  By the end, jaw dropped in astonishment and smoothie all but forgotten, I was ready to say yes myself.

This is a must see. Watch it. Your day is about to get 100x more amazing.

*Thanks to my friend, Jennifer, and my mom for sharing this with me. May I never doubt again. 


  1. Fricken awesome!! got a little teary eyed. To be part of a flash mob is on my bucket list :)

    1. You'd be awesome at it! I know a move in particular...

  2. Best engagement ever!!! I mean besides mine of course. I cried watching it. Especially when the marching band came in. Ok. Back to making potato salad...

  3. Saw this yesterday and TOTALLY agree. Love it!

  4. That was AWESOME, love it :)

  5. Thank you so much for sharing that! It made my day :)

  6. Be an adventurer I've found relationships hard to come by. Not in one place long enough to foster such things. Being so in love with exploring the world I sometimes forgot how incredible it is to be in love with another person. How exciting to navigate a relationship instead of a mountain. These little reminders are great

    1. I understand how that goes. I always say "Skiing is my boyfriend." Which leaves me sad and lonely the other 6-7 months of the year that I'm not skiing. (Ok, that's an exaggeration, but you know what I mean! :) Having a significant other, if it's the right person, can bring a great deal of fulfillment to the life you already love.


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