The following is an unedited, stream-of-consciousness personal journal used to experiment with different subjects outside of assignments and to practice free-writing. It shouldn't (at all) be viewed as a portfolio of polished work.

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Wanted: New River Gorge Climbing Partner- Apply Within

Look at the map. See that orange marker? That's where I am. See all that green? That's the New River Gorge. Ever heard of it? It has world-class climbing. Climbing takes partners. Herein lies my dilemma.

I arrived in West Virginia three days ago. This relocation was a semi-planned-turned-spur-of-the-moment work trip for which I was chomping at the bit to commence. Now, don't get me wrong, I love Utah, but my unrestrained gypsy-ness saw West Virginia as a ticket to escape being cooped up in Salt Lake for over two months. Besides, look at that map again... what climber wouldn't give up a hot, dry summer in the city for that kind of location? 

Want that.
Photo- New River, WV
So here I am. I want to get from Orange Marker to Green Polygon fully outfitted with a rope, shoes, harness, chalk AND a climbing partner. How is this accomplished? I've looked for local meetup groups- nope. I let people at work know I'm interested- nothing yet. I walked down Main Street- whoa! bad idea. (For propriety's sake, I'll spare details.)

This is where you come in, my outdoorsy, adventure-ish, oh-so-helpful community. If you were in my shoes, how would you make getting from point A to B happen?

Psst! Remember- it's gear giveaway week here!


  1. My advice is to just GO to point B and hang out at the center of climbing activity. Start with a phone call to New River Mountain Guides in Fayetteville. It might be worth a personal visit to talk in person.

    If you've got personal gear with you, you're good to go. Boulder around a bit so people can see you're a climber, be outgoing and talk to everyone.

    I've done this in MANY climbing areas and it works great.

    1. You know what? I think you're right! I don't have a crash pad with me, but I could bring my gear and camera- go around taking photos and just talk to people.

      And great idea about the climbing guides! I was looking at one of the rafting places in the area to see if I could get a hold of some of the guides there but for some reason it never occurred to me that there would be a guide shop in the area. Wow... I should be smacking myself in the head right now. :) Thank you for setting me on the right track!

  2. Roger's campground is a hotspot for climbers. and roger is quite the lovable character.

    1. So there's actually a Roger for the campground? Nice! Is it like Miguel's in Kentucky?

  3. You mentioned Meetup groups....did you try DC Mountain Madness?

    1. Hi Stephanie- I didn't... I thought maybe it was too far from here? But I will check it out- thanks for providing the link!


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