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My buddy Joe Johnson being thrilled with life Photo: Bob Legasa |
There's usually a sea of activity swimming around us; outdoor pursuits, work, entrepreneurial endeavors, friends, chores, etc. But when it quiets down, I find certain thoughts come forward loud and clear; and they usually run the same gammut:
I want to be better.
It's not self-deprecating; on the contrary, I feel a surge of excitement the longer I dwell on this topic.
"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately,
to front only the essential facts of life,
and see if I could not learn what it had to teach,
and not, when I came to die,
discover that I had not lived."
Did anyone else have the following experience? Going back to the ol' college days, you'd see the course catalog and spend days, literally, looking at the different classes and diving into the course descriptions, filling up the max 21 credits each semester. For me, I found my schedule filled with climbing and skiing courses mixed with natural sciences and some creative classes as a reward.
I've come to realize that we in the outdoor community are filled with a thirst for knowledge which generally spurs on a desire to improve- either ourselves, our talents or the communities we live in. As much as we have a hard time sitting still physically, we generally have the same problem not being stretched mentally.
Since many of you are new here, I want to learn more about you. I'm curious about the three things you want to master.
Here are my three (of many):

2. Carve out a time to volunteer- regularly. It just feels good. (Is that a selfish reason?)
3. Get back on the saddle. While easily figurative, I'm being literal. After my bikes were stolen a couple of summers ago, my biking gear has been sub-par and made me feel less-than-excited about biking. Enough with the excuses. This is my summer to get back to it.
Your turn- let's hear your three. It can be anything - a skill, a dream, a goal, a need. What is asking for attention in your life- what do you want to accomplish?
Psst! Remember, it's gear giveaway week!
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P.S. 9/2/12 - I'm doing a series of ViSalus 90 Day Challenges to make my way to the greatest outdoor adventure race on earth in 2014. If you're looking for a way to start a business or achieve a health/fitness goal, check out the link!
Psst! Remember, it's gear giveaway week!
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P.S. 9/2/12 - I'm doing a series of ViSalus 90 Day Challenges to make my way to the greatest outdoor adventure race on earth in 2014. If you're looking for a way to start a business or achieve a health/fitness goal, check out the link!
1)Overcome fear of falling when bouldering (I'm doing better but still lots work to do)
ReplyDelete2)Get better on the saddle so I can conquer the dang hills.
3)Enjoy this summer to the max, since last summer with a cast was not so fun.
I've watched you massively improve your climbing skills- and hey... it wasn't even a year ago that you wouldn't TOUCH bouldering. You're already on your way.
Delete1) Get back in shape after my shoulder injury - a.k.a. be able to ride a steep mountain trail for many miles with no problem
ReplyDelete2) Decrease fear and increase confidence (I think this is a life long pursuit, but every little bit counts) especially when dirt jumping and dh riding
3) Not let lame excuses get in the way of doing fun things - when friends at work ask...how was your weekend? I want my response to be, every week, "AWESOME because I did...
Rae, I once heard that no one look back on their life and says "I wish I had worked more." ;) More recently, and cleverly, I heard the saying "No one looks back on their life and remembers the nights they got plenty of sleep." Those are my little insights for your #3...
DeleteAlso, you and Wes need to be friends. You both have the same second in the list and you both rip on bikes.
1. do more for the conservation and preservation of climbing and surfing areas (i.e. get more involved with the Access Fund, American Alpine Club, and Surfrider Foundation).
ReplyDelete2. send 5.13 on sport outside (I don't like chasing grades, but 5.13 is a benchmark I can't easily ignore).
3. find a way to travel more and live a simpler life (balancing a full time job and a part time job with climbing and music hasn't been easy. I need to improve in this area).
Love that you want to do more for the areas you recreate in. That was the point of The Most Epic Trip as well. And after doing that trip for 6 months, it was easy to figure out that there wasn't much you need in life to live and be happy. You will figure out all three of these things- explore and make it happen.
Delete1. Get back in shape- Having ajob where i sit in front of a computer sucks even though i love design. Not good on the body. I want to get back into shape to do another marathon or tri.
ReplyDelete2. Move. I need to make a change and move to where I am simply happy to be where I am, surrounded by wilderness (or at least within driving distance of REAL wilderness)
3. Relax and enjoy life. While i love WHAT i do, i am not at all happy with WHERE i am able to do it. I need to get past that and keep working to get to where i want to be.
JSchul- might have the answer for all of these. We'll be in touch.
Delete1. Spend more time with "The Word". Not just read the daily verse, but really get into it and let it marinate.
ReplyDelete2. Meet and climb with everyone I've met on Twitter. Most climbers have a tick list, which is basically a list of climbs they want to do or have done. My tick list is actually a list of people. Why? because Everyone I've met in the Adventure/Twitter community are all awesome!
3. Strive to continually be the best Husband, Dad, Friend that I can possibly be, and love unconditionally.
Andy, you are ever the people person. Blessed to know you, my friend! 86400.
DeleteGreat post Gina!
ReplyDelete1)Spread the stoke on two wheels. I am always trying to give the gift of bike. That may be guiding bike trips in beautiful places, giving skills clinics, or just out shredding with friends.
2)Expand my comfort zone. Throw myself into all sorts of unfamiliar situations and know that I can overcome and be a better person for it.
3)Give back. I feel I live a very fortunate life and I want to give back as much as possible to the outdoor community, family, friends, and co-workers.
When two of the three top things in your list are giving back to others, you know you're on the right track in life.
Delete1. Connect with new people (Hi everyone!). Every introduction has always lead to new ideas and knowledge.
ReplyDelete2. Really learn a new language. Ok so I know enough French to get by, but I'd like to be deemed a local whenever and wherever I travel.
3. Basejump after the climb. And 1 day I will. I fully expect it will be one heck of a rush.
I have a friend who basejumps after climbing in Tahoe; maybe I should connect you with him. Look how great it is when you leave a comment- you got #1 & 2 knocked off for you, Mark! ;)