Photo From a Drive Through Utah's Mountains

At the summit of the Alpine Loop road in American Fork Canyon, Utah

This road introduced itself to me at age 19, a fresh arrival in the state of Utah and without any acquaintances other than my wild roommates. My entire purpose in leaving my homestate of Florida was to seek refuge in Utah from the party scene, so from the beginning of my life here I was forced out-of-doors to explore. I eventually became a regular in this canyon, finding myself winding through its thick aspen grove at any given time — from Sunday afternoons to loud, late weeknights. I took my time, driving slowly so as not to hit the tiny mice scampering across the 1.5 lane road. I always lost track of time and truthfully, I  didn't care much anyway.

The sky on this lonely road astounded me — I could see for miles into the universe. I felt small but comforted by the magnitude, which was perhaps the canyon's greatest draw.

The wonderful thing is that it hasn't lost that charm. This photo strives to capture just one of the magnificent views I have witnessed while here. 


  1. Stop making me so home sick ;) How I love all those beautiful mountains. It's over 100 everyday here with no sign of fall. It makes me miss Utah over and over. Enjoy!

  2. Yay, great shot Gina! Thanks for recommending this drive. We loved it!

  3. You're a Florida native? Never would have guessed that!
