How To Get a Better Life [Video]

If you don't like your job, quit.

The best life is also the only one you have. It's not up to fate to make it incredible. Are you getting this? It's up to you. Y-O-U.

You exist at one time on this earth. You get one chance to enjoy everything that is out there. Are you leaving your one chance to someone else? Are you allowing a routine of work-eat-tv-sleep-repeat to dictate the minutes, the hours, the days and years of your life?

Then you're gathering dust. Shake it off. This life does not wait. You're worth more than dollars per hour. You're worth more than an imprint on a couch's cushion.

Make YOU count.

As my buddy, Andy, and I say to each other: 86,400. It's how many seconds we each have in a day. Take one, make a decision, and change your life. It really is this easy.


  1. Gina!! Great post, and I'm not just saying that because you mention me. There's a reason why I always end my correspondence with you with "86400" It reminds me and hopefully you not to let the seconds in the day go to waste. Take responsibility for your life...Live and Love every moment.

    1. Andy, it's such a great reminder and I'm always thankful for it. It picks me up when I'm getting tired and boosts my confidence when I'm just going for it. I appreciate you, my friend! :)
