The following is an unedited, stream-of-consciousness personal journal used to experiment with different subjects outside of assignments and to practice free-writing. It shouldn't (at all) be viewed as a portfolio of polished work.

To see examples of my professional writing, please visit For photography, please visit or my Instagram channel @ginabegin.

Got Me Thinking

This week I:

Rock Climbing in Orlando, FL
Found a new climbing gym & met some new folks
Went to an air show & watched people get excited about
formations & things
Got bored of formations & things

<-- took a friend climbing for the first time (silly HTML)
& shot the breeze with an old friend
ate seafood oceanside on top of a roof, danced behind
a band until they noticed, then kept dancing anyway
Mala Campra Trail Feature
Went "mountain" biking on the Mala Campra double black
loop and paid the price with lost blood

Ski Bus stop
But all I've been thinking about is taking my skis out
Ski Photo by Brian Thurber
And hitting this.
(Photo by Brian Thurber @ Solitude Resort)


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